Test Software

With many years of experience solving real world applications, Circuit Check has acquired extensive software expertise.  Our attention to code quality and optimization, as well as our internal code review process, ensures our customers receive efficient and readable code. Below is a brief description of our software expertise:

Programming Languages

  • LabVIEW
  • C, C++, C#
  • LabWindows/CVI
  • Visual Basic

Process Control

  • Motion Control
  • PID and control algorithms
  • Auto-Calibration and Self-Test
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC)


  • Test Executives – TestStand, CCI Test
  • Instrument and IVI Drivers
  • Graphical User Interface

Data Analysis

  • Sound and Vibration
  • Signal Processing
  • Vision and Imaging


  • Ethernet
  • ActiveX/COMGPIB/Serial
  • Fieldbus
  • MIL-STD 1553/ARINC 429
  • IEEE 1394

Functional Test System Products

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